National Day of the Deployed

CFPF Day of the Deployed 2016 FB Posting Art.jpg

October 26th is annually designated as National Day of the Deployed.

National Day of the Deployed honors all of the brave men and woman who have been deployed and are sacrificing, or have sacrificed, their lives to fight for our country and acknowledges their families that they are separated from.

The vision of Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation is to ensure that every child of a fallen patriot receives all necessary college funding. Many of the surviving families we serve lost their loved one while deployed.

In 2007, four days before celebrating 20 years of service to our country, Patrick Wade was killed in an attack on his convoy during his first tour of duty in Iraq, leaving behind the three loves of his life. Patrick’s sacrifice inspires us to fulfill our duty in taking care of those left behind.

With the help of generous donors, Patrick’s daughters can one day attend college affordably and fulfill their father’s passionate dream of a good education. By providing support for surviving families, like the Wade family, Fallen Patriots is making an instrumental investment in the future of America.

Leading up to Day of the Deployed, is an important time for our entire nation to reflect on the ultimate sacrifice that so many soldiers and their families have made.