Jan 7, 2016


Two weeks before he was due to return home, Landon Jones was killed in a tragic accident while landing his helicopter aboard a Navy ship. A wall of water from a ship maneuver crashed into his rotors, sending the helicopter crashing to the deck and bouncing into the water. Theresa Jones lost her husband and the father of her two children on that day.

Jones’ death exemplifies the persistent risk involved while serving in the armed forces, as well as how quickly a mother and wife of two can join the ranks of the widows and single mothers who have lost their patriot in the line of duty. Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation is here to help.

As the new year begins, Fallen Patriots is asking you to make a simple resolution to Resolve to Involve yourself in our mission by becoming a monthly donor. Participating in the monthly program helps alleviate gold star families from the largest burden in higher education: the cost. As a monthly donor you are investing in a child’s future, a child who has lost a parent in the line of duty. Be part of this incredible cause and help us have our most successful year yet by sending even more children to college.  

Military families who lose a loved one in the line of duty typically face an average cost gap of $32,000 for a four-year college education. Every donation brings Fallen Patriots closer to bridging that gap.

Today, Theresa remains strong for her boys, who will surely feel the void of their father as they grow and strive to make him proud through academic and personal success. Though her sons are still young, Fallen Patriots is there to make sure that when the time comes, both of these boys can attend college comfortably, honoring their father’s sacrifice and realizing the dreams he had for them.

Donating as little as $10 a month will change the life of hundreds of military scholars. The simple act of generosity will earn you the gratitude of thousands of Gold Star families, like the Jones, who will not have to worry about how to pay for higher education.

We ask you to join Fallen Patriots and honor our fallen soldiers, click here.